The Aosta Valley, in northwest Italy, represents a unique source of information: glacial coverings at high altitudes ensure that the snow and the particles it contains are stored intact for very long periods of time.
The main location for this project is the Rutor Glacier, where we collected a six-year historical series of snow cores, which we are currently studying.
In 2016, an additional site has been visited close to Dent du Geant due to the peculiar snow coverage of the 2016 summer. Other sites where temperature conditions throughout the year suit our purposes are Col Peuterey and Dome du Gouter (Mont Blanc).
During tests and routine operations, we frequently visit Plateau Rosa, Refuge Torino, Punta Indren and the glaciers in the area, which are easily reachable by cableways. We will also install dedicated instrumentation at the CNR laboratory of Testa Grigia (Plateau Rosa).